Welcome To Top Stand-up Comedy Tips!
- Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…If you think stand-up comedy is highly competitive, don’t be misled. This article describes the reasons why stand-up comedy is not as competitive as it appears and why there are always great opportunities for new comedians who can actually get the big laughs when they hit the stage.
- Street Jokes: A Powerful Tool For ComediansThe term “street joke” (aka joke joke) is a term used by comedians for common jokes told on the street. This article discusses how street jokes can be valuable to a pro comedian depending upon the circumstances under which they can be used advantageously.
- The “Solid” Stand-up Comedy Writing Logic That Doesn’t Hit The MarkWhat type of “conventional logic” do you think works to produce a stand-up comedy routine that gets big laughs? This article discusses the fruitless logic some new comedians use to uncover stand-up comedy writing techniques that work.
- Secrets For Harvesting Powerful Stand-up Comedy Material From Casual ConversationsYou can waste hours trying “write” stand-up material. Why not just harvest what you need from casual conversations? This article tells what you need to know to use this killer comedy material technique!
- Getting Big Laughs As A Comedian Involves Much More Than Writing Comedy MaterialWant to know how to get big audience when performing on stage as a comedian? This article has a series of questions you might want to review if you truly want to know why most new comedians are not prepared to generate big audience laughs when they hit the stage.