I’m going to say that the chances are very good that you fall into one of these two categories:
Category #1:
You are looking for information on how to become a stand-up comedy professional, create an act that kills, and not take years to do it like most people do.
Category #2:
You are a Toastmaster, public speaker, teacher, trainer, etc., looking to use stand-up comedy techniques and strategies to up your game in your public speaking adventures.
It doesn’t really matter which category you fall into—you need to be armed with the right questions if you want to avoid the sea of largely useless, yet ubiquitous, “expert” information found online.
Otherwise, you are going to waste months, possibly years, of your time that could have been completely avoided.
Pay Close Attention to These Questions
In my expert opinion, conventional strategies and tactics tend to move a person down a path that I believe is unnecessary and detrimental when it comes to generating audience laughter. Answer these questions honestly to understand why I say this:
- Can you identify any writing event(s) in your life that significantly influenced your sense of humor/natural comedy talent and your ability to make others laugh?
- How many jokes did you have to write before you were able to make others laugh in everyday conversation?
- How many joke examples from accomplished comedians and comedy entertainers did you have to study in order to develop the comedy talent you use every day?
- How exactly do you “write” the comedy material and punchlines you naturally produce when talking with the people you know?
- How exactly do your friends, family, coworkers, and associates “write” the comedy material and punchlines they produce in conversations with you?
- What joke formulas did you use when making others laugh as a child before you even knew what joke formulas were?
Did you notice what these questions have in common?
It can be summed up in a single, undeniable sentence:
You DID NOT have to learn or develop ANY special writing skill at any point in your life in order to make others laugh.
Now for the Important Stuff
Virtually everything you can find online from the so-called “experts” about comedy and producing it always focuses on a common theme—”writing.”
The very thing that has had zero impact on your personality, your sense of humor, or how you express that sense of humor.
I don’t come from that “writing to be funny” perspective at all. My perspective is this:
- Every time you or the people around you say something that causes laughter to break out, stand-up comedy is happening—only in a mostly dialogue format instead of a tightened monologue format.
- Each time laughter occurs in casual conversations, it should be considered the strongest indicator that what was said (and how it was delivered) has the potential to generate audience laughter.
- I can’t think of a better scenario for continuously generating proven comedy material—ready to be converted from dialogue into monologue.
So, if I have your attention, let me show you how to start collecting comedy material and ideas that are happening around you and because of you every day.
Here’s What I Recommend
Using the link below, review this article carefully:
➡ Secrets for Harvesting Powerful Stand-up Comedy Material from Casual Conversations
That will also lead you to a Special Report that picks apart the myth that there are massive differences between laughter generated in everyday life and laughter generated on stage.
If you grasp the information provided in those two resources, you will have a significant edge over most when it comes to:
- Building a stand-up comedy routine
- Collecting and developing bits and stories
- Enhancing speeches and presentations with humor