Looking For Stand-up Comedy Material Examples?

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I find it somewhat interesting when folks find this blog using the search term “examples of stand-up comedy material.”

The reason I say that is because…

There are literally many tens of thousands (if not more) of YouTube videos featuring professional comedians from all over the world performing stand-up comedy at the highest levels in front of live audiences.

Not only that, if a stand-up comedy routine on YouTube was uploaded since 2014, there is already an AI transcript made available right there on YouTube (click the three little dots on the right just below the video, then click open transcript from the menu that pops up).

Can one get any better examples of stand-up comedy material than that, both live and written? I really don’t think that is possible.

The Reality of Transcribing Comedy

Over the years, I have received several emails from Killer Stand-up Online Course members that went something like this:

“I transcribed the routines of over 15 top comedians that I found on YouTube looking for clues on how they wrote their stand-up comedy material. I couldn’t find a single thing from doing that that I could use to help me develop my own act. After reviewing your course, I now understand why that was a serious waste of time.”

Let’s cut right to the chase, shall we?

You will have better luck trying to drown a fish than you will trying to find some sort of “technique” or “tactic” you can use for your own stand-up comedy act by studying the transcripts of other comedians’ acts.

Key Issues with Transcriptions

There are several key issues why you won’t find much of value from stand-up comedy act transcripts:

  1. Personalization of the Act: The act a comedian develops and delivers is personalized specifically for them.
  2. Words vs. Delivery: Words on paper only represent a fraction of what a comedian uses to generate large and frequent laughs from an audience.
  3. Lack of Insight from Transcripts: You simply will not be able to nail down any specific formula or technique any comedian uses from transcription. Not only is the material personal to the comedian, but if you didn’t have the video as proof, you wouldn’t be able to tell which parts of a comedian’s material were funny just by looking at transcripts alone or what “techniques” were used to get the laughs.
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The Nature of Communication

What most new comedians are completely clueless about is this:

Writing is different from talking. Talking is different from writing. You can verify that using any search engine.

If a comedian tries to talk on stage in a way that reflects the way they have been taught to write since youth, they are basically setting themselves up for failure when it comes to getting any significant laughter on stage as a comedian.

This is what most new comedians do (just like I did when I first started out), and the results are not favorable (I’m trying to be nice here).

The Expectation of Written Examples

But let’s get back to the notion of trying to find stand-up comedy material examples, particularly “written” examples that should “unlock” the inside secrets for developing a big laugh stand-up comedy routine.

I am most curious about this:

When people are searching for examples of stand-up comedy material, are they expecting to find pages with stand-up comedy material in a “written down” format?

And if they did find examples of stand-up comedy material written down somewhere, what would they expect to discover from those examples?

Note: That is not a trick question. It makes absolutely no sense to find written examples of stand-up comedy material if you don’t know what you expect to garner from finding those examples.

Misunderstandings about Stand-Up

Unfortunately, I suspect these folks are among the masses of prospective comedians who don’t seem to understand these four very important aspects when it comes to stand-up comedy material AND…

I also provide a link to the one “written” example of stand-up comedy material that is available on this blog:

  1. Writing as a One-Dimensional Medium: “Writing” in the literal sense is a one-dimensional communication medium — which is significantly different from stand-up comedy, which is an expressive, three-dimensional communication medium. Words and sentences have the least impact by themselves when it comes to generating laughter from a live audience.

    Related Article: Are You Using A One Dimensional Approach In A Three Dimensional Performing Art?

  2. The Limitations of Written Material: Trying to study “written” examples of stand-up comedy material is like trying to study the steering wheel of a car in order to figure out how the engine works. Much of what makes stand-up comedy funny in the live audience environment (93%) is not the words or sentences used.

    Note: I am well aware of the challenges that can be found online to Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Communication Model involving the assignment of “hard” number percentages as it relates to the weight of the various communication elements involved with speaking (7% words, 38% voice inflection and tone, 55% body language and facial expressions).

    However, for anyone who has issues with that model — one need only refer to any number of references on reading body language (#ad) to confirm that most of an individual’s in-person verbal communication comes from facial expressions, micro-facial expressions, body movement, gestures, voice tone, and inflection, etc.

    Knowing the exact numerical weight of any particular verbal communication element is not as important as understanding that the vast majority of spoken word communication DOES NOT come from the actual words being spoken but from the other communication elements that are involved.

  3. Visualization is Key: Unless an individual can visualize a comedian and their delivery style, the vast majority of stand-up comedy material simply will not read funny from a piece of paper.

    As a matter of fact, many punchlines in stand-up comedy material won’t even make sense as they “read” from a piece of paper because of the absence of numerous delivery aspects in the “written” word versus the “spoken” word.

    Related Article: The Delivery Style Secret Every New Comedian Should Know

  4. Finding the Right Fit: Studying stand-up comedy material examples of other comedians is pretty much a waste of time unless the comedy material being studied is delivered by a comedian who has a very similar sense of humor, demeanor, attitude, expressive traits, etc., as the individual studying the comedian’s stand-up comedy material.

    Even then, individuals usually fail to recognize that the vast majority of a comedian’s laughter power simply does not come from the literal words and sentences as they “read” from paper.


As long as the masses of prospective comedians keep expecting “written” examples of stand-up comedy material to magically reveal the “secrets” they need to generate big laughs from their own stand-up comedy…

Talented individuals will continue to struggle needlessly to reach their stand-up comedy goals and ambitions.

That is exactly why I developed the Killer Stand-up Comedy System for myself — the conventional “writing” methods simply did not work for me, for the same reasons I have identified in this article.

8 Replies to “Looking For Stand-up Comedy Material Examples?”

  1. Coming up with new material shouldn’t be that difficult when you start looking at your own life. We have so many stories. Pick a topic, go to the setup and close with a punchline. Then go to another topic and do it again…Follow me on twitter @KelliCgreen.

  2. I would love to see “original drafts” of popular acts and the revisions that went into the final finished set. I let friends read my stuff, and it doesn’t always come off as funny writen, but they laugh if i do the set for them. During “I Am Comic” Sara Siverman talks about how her best joke was given to her by someone who wrote it but couldn’t get the proper body language because it really wasn’t her style of joke. I’d love to look at discarded written sets or even successful written sets because it forces me to use different senses and thought processes. Almost like listening to a book on tape vs. having to physically turning pages. I think that might stimulate new braches to new sets and material.

  3. I enjoyed reading this article. I think coming up with material to joke about is the hardest part. That is where talent comes in. It takes a talented person to make it funny.

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