Sometimes I get difficult, if not impossible questions like:
“Am I funny enough for stand-up comedy or am I just wasting my time?”
Without knowing an individual personally or without reviewing a video of their performance, there is no way for me to tell. But I can tell you what I know, which is:
Most people who make the decision to jump into stand-up comedy have all the natural comedy talent they need to do well as a comedian.
The relatively few remaining others simply do not have the baseline talent needed to make any headway in stand-up comedy. And there’s no way to learn to have talent or “write” oneself into having talent that is not there already.
Anyone that makes an offer to “teach” someone how to somehow have talent is a scam for sure.
For the majority of those who do have all the natural comedy talent they need to do well as a comedian, success on stage really boils down to this (in a nutshell):
- Recognizing what makes a person funny and capitalizing on those attributes
- Structuring what a person wants to express to an audience to get 4-6+ laughs per minute (whether it be a one-liner approach or topic-based approach)
- Professionally preparing to deliver their stand-up comedy material confidently, again capitalizing on the attributes that make that person funny in the first place
Ultimately, it will be the audience laughter response a comedian can generate with consistency that will determine if they are “funny enough” for stand-up.
What People Don’t Understand
Most talented individuals were “comedians” long before they ever made the decision to get involved in stand-up comedy.
They already have well-developed expressive traits, communication techniques, mannerisms, etc., that are proven to work to generate laughs off stage and will usually work to generate laughs on stage.
Thanks to mainstream misinformation about stand-up comedy, one of the things that funny people don’t realize is that every single time they say something that causes others to laugh, they are actually using highly effective stand-up comedy techniques that are unique to them.
In other words, as you continue through the resources provided for this course, you are going to discover that:
“Spoken word comedy that generates laughter is the same whether you are talking to friends, delivering a stand-up routine, or giving a speech or presentation.”
The three important differences — which have nothing to do with how laughter is generated — are discussed in detail in a special report that is provided in the course.
Unfortunately, most new comedians get stuck in some sort of “writing” exercise, depending on “fabricating” mere words and sentences from a blank piece of paper when it comes to getting laughs.
That’s like trying to drive a car with only the steering wheel. While the steering wheel is certainly a critical element in an automobile, it doesn’t work well without the rest of the car.
The reality of the situation is that people don’t develop the sense of humor and comedy talent they have as a result of exchanging written messages with people their whole life. Writing is a completely different form of communication than talking in many ways.
Yet somehow, people are led to believe that it is some sort of writing process that will propel a person into success as a comedian.
Don’t get me wrong — stand-up comedy jokes and material should be written down because words and sentences are not visible or available for editing, restructuring, or adjustment until they are.
Vital Questions
Just out of curiosity…
The last time that you used your comedy talent to cause someone to laugh while you were in a conversation — did that happen because you stopped and wrote a joke or something funny on paper and handed it to the person for them to read?
The thing that trips most people up when it comes to becoming a comedian is that they are either led to believe or they assume that writing and talking are 100% interchangeable forms of communication and that comedy material is “extracted” from blank paper using some sort of special word structure that forms jokes.
If you want to subscribe to that hooey, that’s completely your call.
What I will tell you is that if you take this approach of attempting to write your way to being funny as a comedian, the vast majority of your sense of humor and comedy talent will never make it to the stage.
Just keep in mind that NOBODY gets talker’s block.
So the answer to the question “Am I funny enough to be a comedian?” is most likely yes.
The better question is this:
Are you going to use the sense of humor and comedy talent you developed from talking and interacting with others your whole life or are you going to try to “write” your way to being funny on stage as a comedian?
Related Article: How To Get Stuck In Stand-up Comedy Joke Writing Mode
Stand-up comedy is a very deceptive art form in that there is much more involved in developing and delivering a stand-up comedy act that actually generates big laughs than meets the eye.
Here’s the bottom line:
If an individual does have comedy talent and actually knows what they are doing when it comes to developing and delivering a tight, professional stand-up comedy routine…
They can usually determine from relatively few performances over a relatively short period of time whether or not they are “funny enough” for stand-up.
That’s good to know. I’m glad it only takes a short time to see if I have potential or not. I think I need to try material out in more places than just the one venue I speak at. I’m sure some of the material would be suited for a different audience. That also means, that I need focus on some material that would work better with the type of audience I have.
I’ve taken some time away from this site to read and study a few books on comedy to see if I found them useless. The first seems to be more a book about brainstorming and creating lists of potential topics from the print and news media. Just as you said in the video on this blog page, it’s all one-dimensional. The books i found are also quite outdated. I’m not sure how much procedural difference there is in a 20 year gap, but I didn’t recognize any of the jokes, only a few of the big names, so it’s really hard to know how funny the jokes were because I need to hear and see the other dimensions incorporated with it. Also, most comics adlib and don’t precisely follow a written script. I wouldn’t call the books “useless”, but they would probably make better fireplace material than stand-up comedy material.
If PhotoShop is truly a window to the soul, then there is definitely a cause for concern for the individual responsible for the photo in this article.