I Am Comic – A MUST See Film For Comedians And Stand-up Comedy Enthusiasts!


About I Am Comic

If you really want to see “behind the curtain” when it comes to finding out what stand-up comedy is really all about…

You MUST see I Am Comic (#ad) directed by Jordan Brady.

This amazing film features dozens of stand-up comedy stars like Tim Allen, Sara Silverman, Jeff Foxworthy, Jim Gaffigan, Kathy Griffin, Tommy Davidson and many more!

I should also mention that myself (Steve Roye) and my Comedy Evaluator Pro software are also featured in this film (much to my surprise).

Through unprecedented backstage access and candid interviews, the film weaves through the absurd world of the working comedian and reveals a crazy and hilarious psychological profile of its practitioners.

Retired comedian Ritch Shydner is the host and the film also chronicles his attempt to climb back on stage after a thirteen-year hiatus.

At the top of the world in stand-up comedy in the 1980’s, Shydner had HBO specials, shot five pilot TV shows, and had numerous late night appearances (Carson, Letterman, Leno, etc.) but the big time eluded him.

In the film, Ritch takes another shot at stand-up comedy.

Does Ritch have what it takes to connect with today’s young crowds and still get the laughs?

I’ll give you a hint: You don’t want to miss the part where I use Comedy Evaluator Pro to evaluate one of his stand-up comedy sets filmed for the movie. You’ll be shocked…

Click here to check it out, along with a ton of reviews… (#ad)

Note: Yes, I’m an Amazon affiliate for this awesome DVD. I mean geez – I’m in the flick. 🙂

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7 Replies to “I Am Comic – A MUST See Film For Comedians And Stand-up Comedy Enthusiasts!”

  1. I Am Comic is well worth the investment. “Get real” is an old clichĂ©, but it sure fits this documentary. The insights and struggles that balance with the highs and lows paint a clear picture of the commitment needed for stand up, just like every other demanding profession. Ritch’s story is compelling. The part with you and Comedy Evaluator Pro was very poignant.

  2. It’s on Netflix, and a great watch. If your thorough wealth of information provided doesn’t prove you have credibilty, hopefully the movie will.

    For the movie makers to interview so many truly famous and sucessful current and past comedians, and then seek you out to use YOUR SOFTWARE AND get YOUR OPINION, obviously you are very well respected in the industry. Nuff said.