Archived Comments

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164 Replies to “Archived Comments”

  1. I clicked on the link just for fun. I love the title of one of the books. “The Comic Toolbox: How to be Funny Even If You’re Not.” I agree with you Steve. You either have a natural sense of humor or not. I think some of the comedy writing books have some info that can help you and your sense of humor to find humor in your everyday life. But humor is not about doing some writing exercises. The more of your articles I read, the more I want to sign-up for your Killer Comedy Course. I have already completed the five free lessons. The things you say makes complete sense. Plus I know one of the comedians listed on your testimonial page and he told me personally your course is the best out there!

  2. As a pastor, I use a method for preaching called, “preaching on your feet.” You study all week long and even put thought into what you want to say and how you want to say it. I don’t take notes with me. When it is time to preach, I let what is in my heart come out. I think it is a lot like doing comedy! There never is any reason or excuse to stand up in front of a group of people and not know what you want to say. It may come out differently than you expected, but you should have a very well thought out idea in your mind. If you don’t, you are just wasting the audiences time. And dare I say, making a fool out of yourself!

  3. Assuming we’re genuinely funny, if we’re brand new, how long should it take us to come up with a solid five minutes of material using your system?

    • I simply cannot provide a “guaranteed” time frame for anyone to come up with a solid 5 minutes of stand-up comedy material. The time it takes to implement the process is different for everyone on an individual level and is based on a number of factors beyond having comedy talent to start with.

      What I can tell you is this:

      1. It will take you far longer to actually digest and apply my system than it will to develop your first 5 minutes of stand-up comedy material.

      2. Once you actually know what you are doing, it should only take hours or days to knock out that first 5 minutes in its initial form. That doesn’t include the rehearsal aspect, which will add a bit to the time before you actually take your stand-up comedy material to the stage.

      3. As I say in my course, I simply cannot completely eliminate the trial and error aspect involved with developing and delivering a high level stand-up comedy routine. But using my methods, you should be able to significantly reduce that aspect, especially if you engage in the performance improvement activities after each performance.

      I hope that helps. 🙂