Are You Dealing With Writer’s Block? You Shouldn’t Be…

Plagued with writer’s block? Q: Did you have any writer’s block the last time you were causing people to laugh during a casual conversation? This article explains why creating stand-up comedy material shouldn’t result in “writer’s block” unless… Continue reading Are You Dealing With Writer’s Block? You Shouldn’t Be…

Comedy Club Bringer Shows – Good, Bad, And Ugly

Stage time is a must for the new comedian. One such avenue to get stage time is called a bringer show. So what is a bringer show? This article discusses the good and the not so good aspects of bringer shows that are available for new comedians to get stage time. Continue reading Comedy Club Bringer Shows – Good, Bad, And Ugly

Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…


If you think stand-up comedy is highly competitive, don’t be misled. This article describes the reasons why stand-up comedy is not as competitive as it appears and why there are always great opportunities for new comedians who can actually get the big laughs when they hit the stage. Continue reading Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…