Stand-up Comedy Misconceptions

Misconceptions about stand-up comedy are commonplace. This articles discusses two particular misconceptions – one involving those who don’t have the foundational comedy talent needed and one involving those who have more than enough comedy talent to do well as a comedian. Continue reading Stand-up Comedy Misconceptions

Your Stand-up Comedy Material Is Written Down – Now What?

Having your comedy material written down is pretty much mandatory as a comedian. This article identifies important factors to consider for making improvements to stand-up comedy material that has been written down. Continue reading Your Stand-up Comedy Material Is Written Down – Now What?

I’m Killing At Comedy Open Mics – So What Do I Do Now?


Are you doing well at comedy open mic nights? Are you able to rock the room consistently with your stand-up comedy routine? This article offers specific recommendations to help new comedians go beyond comedy open mic night performances. Continue reading I’m Killing At Comedy Open Mics – So What Do I Do Now?