If You Think Joke Writing Software Can Help You Create A Stand-up Comedy Act That Kills…

Looking into typical joke writing software that can help you develop a stand-up comedy routine that slays an audience? This article explains why trying to use joke writing software to develop a high impact stand-up comedy routine is NOT an approach you want to take. Continue reading If You Think Joke Writing Software Can Help You Create A Stand-up Comedy Act That Kills…

Is There Any Way To Bypass Stand-up Comedy Open Mic Nights?

One thing new comedians need is stage time to hone their stage skill and to develop their act to the highest level possible. Comedy club open mics have always been the standard platform for this. But are there any alternatives? This article explores those options. Continue reading Is There Any Way To Bypass Stand-up Comedy Open Mic Nights?

The Easiest And Fastest Way To Add Comedy To Speeches And Presentations


If you have to give any type of speech or presentation and would like to get some big laughs when you deliver it – check out this article which reveals a “hidden” resource that I have that shows you exactly how to do just that. Continue reading The Easiest And Fastest Way To Add Comedy To Speeches And Presentations