Are Long Set-up Lines Keeping You From Getting The Laughs You Want?

In order to deliver 4-6 punchlines in any minute of a stand-up comedy act and provide the audience time to laugh – the act must be “tight”. This article discusses the problems with long set-up lines for comedians who are trying deliver a tight stand-up comedy routine. Continue reading Are Long Set-up Lines Keeping You From Getting The Laughs You Want?

Stand-up Comedy Writing Exercises – Another Major Time Waster

If you are looking for stand-up comedy writing exercises to help you develop a powerful comedy routine that actually gets laughs, you might want to put that search on hold for the moment. This article explains why stand-up comedy writing exercises are a huge waste of time. Continue reading Stand-up Comedy Writing Exercises – Another Major Time Waster

Looking For The Best Stand-up Comedy Joke Formulas?


Some people are under the false impression that all they really need to do is find the right “joke formulas” to develop a stand-up comedy routine that kills on stage. This article discusses why trying to learn and use “joke formulas” is a serious waste of time. Continue reading Looking For The Best Stand-up Comedy Joke Formulas?