Should You Rehearse Your Stand-up Comedy Act In Front Of A Mirror?

Rehearsing your stand-up comedy routine in the mirror actually comes with some issues. This article explains the pros and cons of rehearsing in the mirror and when this might be advantageous for better results. But in most instances, the short answer is no. Continue reading Should You Rehearse Your Stand-up Comedy Act In Front Of A Mirror?

Wanna Be A Comedian? Here’s Some Important Information You Must Know

Looking to take a shot at stand-up comedy? There are some very basic, yet very important things to know about before you hit the stage as a comedian. Find out what you need to know to imporove your chances of success. Continue reading Wanna Be A Comedian? Here’s Some Important Information You Must Know

The Differences Between Writing And Talking Matter As A Comedian


One of the BIG things most new comedians miss – writing and talking are two very different forms of communication in very important ways. This article explains these differences and why it matters to the comedian trying to get big laughs on stage. Continue reading The Differences Between Writing And Talking Matter As A Comedian