Didn’t Get What You Wanted When You Took That Stand-up Comedy Class Or Workshop? Here’s Why…

Think a stand-up comedy class is the solution? This article explains why most stand-up comedy classes and workshops fail to provide the actionable information needed to develop a stand-up comedy act that actually works to generate the big laughs. Continue reading Didn’t Get What You Wanted When You Took That Stand-up Comedy Class Or Workshop? Here’s Why…

Comedy Open Mic: Are You Ready?

Most new comedians are largely unprepared when it comes to using the most important tool of their stand-up comedy adventure – the comedy open mic night. If you are serious about making big leaps forward, find out how to get the most out comedy open mic nights. Continue reading Comedy Open Mic: Are You Ready?

Writing Down Vs. “Writing” Comedy Material And Why It Matters


There is a HUGE difference between trying to write jokes or other comedy material from a blank piece of paper and writing down what one wants to say and express to an audience. Find out why this difference matters greatly. Continue reading Writing Down Vs. “Writing” Comedy Material And Why It Matters