Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…

If you think stand-up comedy is highly competitive, don’t be misled. This article describes the reasons why stand-up comedy is not as competitive as it appears and why there are always great opportunities for new comedians who can actually get the big laughs when they hit the stage. Continue reading Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…

Still Trying To Figure Out How To “Write” Punchlines Out Of Thin Air? Now That’s Funny…

Punchlines are a comedian’s lifeblood. So, how do you write them? This article bluntly describes the major obstacles that can be encountered when trying to learn how to “write” punchlines for stand-up comedy material in the usual and ineffective literary fashion. Continue reading Still Trying To Figure Out How To “Write” Punchlines Out Of Thin Air? Now That’s Funny…

A Revealing Discussion About Hack Stand-up Comedy


What is hack stand-up comedy really, since most of the most popular comedians seem to talk about the same sorts of things? This article addresses the largely artificial concept of hack stand-up comedy material and questions what it means to be a hack comedian. Continue reading A Revealing Discussion About Hack Stand-up Comedy