6 Great Stand-up Comedy Questions And My Detailed Answers

A college student working on a thesis about stand-up comedy asked for my help. This article contains 6 great questions that he asked and my detailed answers about many aspects of stand-up comedy that I know would be of interest to most new comedians. Continue reading 6 Great Stand-up Comedy Questions And My Detailed Answers

Why The Opening Stand-up Comedy Act Has The Hardest Job

It’s a well known fact that the hardest job in a line up of comedians is the opening act. But you might be surprised to learn that it is not necessarily talent or experience that makes it tough. There are other factors involved, even when the comedian talent level in a show is the same. Continue reading Why The Opening Stand-up Comedy Act Has The Hardest Job

The Stand-up Comedy Bottom Line


Let’s assume that you want to take at becoming a comedian. What’s the bottom line when it comes to success and moving forward quickly as a comedian in the world of stand-up comedy? This article identifies the bottom line when it comes to stand-up comedy success. Continue reading The Stand-up Comedy Bottom Line