Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have

If you don’t have MAXIMUM confidence as a comedian, you simply will not get far in stand-up comedy. This article covers some of the major conditions that can erode a new comedian’s confidence and prevent them from getting the big laughs when they hit the stage. Continue reading Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have

A Look At The Benign Violation Theory

This article takes a close look at the Benign Violation Theory developed by Peter McGraw and reveals some of the apparent holes in the theory related to its efficacy claims. Continue reading A Look At The Benign Violation Theory

Solid Stand-up Comedy Advice For New Comedians


Looking at taking a shot at stand-up comedy? This article provides solid, no-nonsense advice for new comedians who need to know aspects about this unique performing art that are not readily apparent or usually known to the casual outside observer. Continue reading Solid Stand-up Comedy Advice For New Comedians