What You Need To Know About Riffing

Riffing is the term used by comedians to describe spontaneous interactions with the audience. But riffing is not actually what it appears to be. This article identifies the adverse circumstances associated with trying to riff on stage as a comedian instead of delivering a well prepared stand-up routine. Continue reading What You Need To Know About Riffing

Are You Overlooking Your Most Powerful Laughter Generation Attribute?

What is it really that makes you funny in everyday conversations? All the unique attributes that give to the laughter power you have offstage are the exact same attributes that will allow you to get the big laughs onstage. This article discusses the vital non-verbal aspect of your comedy talent. Continue reading Are You Overlooking Your Most Powerful Laughter Generation Attribute?

Your Stand-up Comedy Material Is Written Down – Now What?


Having your comedy material written down is pretty much mandatory as a comedian. This article identifies important factors to consider for making improvements to stand-up comedy material that has been written down. Continue reading Your Stand-up Comedy Material Is Written Down – Now What?