Your Stand-up Comedy Material Is Written Down – Now What?

Having your comedy material written down is pretty much mandatory as a comedian. This article identifies important factors to consider for making improvements to stand-up comedy material that has been written down. Continue reading Your Stand-up Comedy Material Is Written Down – Now What?

Want To Know How Funny Your Stand-up Comedy Act Really Is?

If you want to know just how funny your stand-up comedy routine really is, all you need is a smartphone and two free apps. This article describes which free apps you need to use and what you need to do to generate objective information about your act. Continue reading Want To Know How Funny Your Stand-up Comedy Act Really Is?

The Differences Between Writing And Talking Matter As A Comedian


One of the BIG things most new comedians miss – writing and talking are two very different forms of communication in very important ways. This article explains these differences and why it matters to the comedian trying to get big laughs on stage. Continue reading The Differences Between Writing And Talking Matter As A Comedian