Am I Funny Enough For Stand-up Comedy Or Am I Just Wasting My Time?

Let me answer the question now – the chances are very good that you are more than funny enough to do well as a comedian. The better question you should be asking is whether or not you are actually going to use the comedy talent you have now on stage. Hint: Most don’t and fail. Continue reading Am I Funny Enough For Stand-up Comedy Or Am I Just Wasting My Time?

Comparing Apples And Oranges When It Comes To Stand-up Comedy Material

Many new comedians are under the impression that writing and talking are completely interchangeable forms of communication. Does that describe you? If so, you might want to take a look at this article that tackles a comment made on this blog on the topic. Continue reading Comparing Apples And Oranges When It Comes To Stand-up Comedy Material

A Look At The Benign Violation Theory


This article takes a close look at the Benign Violation Theory developed by Peter McGraw and reveals some of the apparent holes in the theory related to its efficacy claims. Continue reading A Look At The Benign Violation Theory