Is Your True Comedy Talent Actually Making It To The Stage Or Is It Being Held Back?

One of the big problems many new comedians have (including me when I first started) is that they abandon what made them funny offstage for something “better” onstage. This article talks about why this can be a crippling issue and causes that talent to be ignored. Continue reading Is Your True Comedy Talent Actually Making It To The Stage Or Is It Being Held Back?

Stand-up Comedy Misconceptions

Misconceptions about stand-up comedy are commonplace. This articles discusses two particular misconceptions – one involving those who don’t have the foundational comedy talent needed and one involving those who have more than enough comedy talent to do well as a comedian. Continue reading Stand-up Comedy Misconceptions

The Truth About Developing A Character For Stand-up Comedy


Have you heard that you need to develop some sort of unique character or persona in order to have success as a comedian? If that’s what you want to believe, then you might want to pass on what this revealing article has to offer about this popular myth. Continue reading The Truth About Developing A Character For Stand-up Comedy