You’ve Already Been “Writing” Punchlines For Years That Work

If you are looking for a way to write stand-up punchlines easily, you may be shocked to find out that you wave been doing that since you have been able to talk. Find out why this can be a major game changer for talented funny people wanting to become a pro comedian. Continue reading You’ve Already Been “Writing” Punchlines For Years That Work

Are You Dealing With Writer’s Block? You Shouldn’t Be…

Plagued with writer’s block? Q: Did you have any writer’s block the last time you were causing people to laugh during a casual conversation? This article explains why creating stand-up comedy material shouldn’t result in “writer’s block” unless… Continue reading Are You Dealing With Writer’s Block? You Shouldn’t Be…

Still Trying To Figure Out How To “Write” Punchlines Out Of Thin Air? Now That’s Funny…


Punchlines are a comedian’s lifeblood. So, how do you write them? This article bluntly describes the major obstacles that can be encountered when trying to learn how to “write” punchlines for stand-up comedy material in the usual and ineffective literary fashion. Continue reading Still Trying To Figure Out How To “Write” Punchlines Out Of Thin Air? Now That’s Funny…