The Truth About Set-up Lines And Punchlines

Most of the information that new comedians get anywhere about set-up lines and punchlines is largely WORTHLESS. Curious why I say that? This article reveals how to recognize information about set-up lines and punchlines that is merely descriptive and provides nothing else of value. Continue reading The Truth About Set-up Lines And Punchlines

Trying To Find New Comedy Material For A Stand-up Routine?

This article exposes yet another “conventional” process that makes creating and developing a stand-up comedy routine far more difficult than it needs to be. Continue reading Trying To Find New Comedy Material For A Stand-up Routine?

Stand-up Comedy Misconceptions


Misconceptions about stand-up comedy are commonplace. This articles discusses two particular misconceptions – one involving those who don’t have the foundational comedy talent needed and one involving those who have more than enough comedy talent to do well as a comedian. Continue reading Stand-up Comedy Misconceptions