Want To Know How Funny Your Stand-up Comedy Act Really Is?

If you want to know just how funny your stand-up comedy routine really is, all you need is a smartphone and two free apps. This article describes which free apps you need to use and what you need to do to generate objective information about your act. Continue reading Want To Know How Funny Your Stand-up Comedy Act Really Is?

Should You Rehearse Your Stand-up Comedy Act In Front Of A Mirror?

Rehearsing your stand-up comedy routine in the mirror actually comes with some issues. This article explains the pros and cons of rehearsing in the mirror and when this might be advantageous for better results. But in most instances, the short answer is no. Continue reading Should You Rehearse Your Stand-up Comedy Act In Front Of A Mirror?

Solid Stand-up Comedy Advice For New Comedians


Looking at taking a shot at stand-up comedy? This article provides solid, no-nonsense advice for new comedians who need to know aspects about this unique performing art that are not readily apparent or usually known to the casual outside observer. Continue reading Solid Stand-up Comedy Advice For New Comedians