Your First 5 Minutes Of Stand-up Comedy Material

Your first 5 minutes of stand-up comedy material is the most important. It should be tight and generate maximum audience laughter. This article discusses what “tight” means and what you need to do to move forward quickly as a comedian when it comes to audience laughter. Continue reading Your First 5 Minutes Of Stand-up Comedy Material

The Anatomy Of A Stand-up Comedy Joke

Simply knowing the parts of a joke is not much help when it comes to creating and delivering a stand-up comedy routine that generates big laughs. This article explains in detail why the “standard” information provided as actionable is really not actionable at all. Continue reading The Anatomy Of A Stand-up Comedy Joke

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Conventional Stand-Up Comedy Writing


Are you “writing” jokes every day that don’t get the laughs you want when you hit the stage? If so, there’s a very good possibility that you are stuck in what I can only refer to as “joke writing mode”. Hint: Writing designed for a reader won’t get you the laughs you want as a comedian. Continue reading Overcoming the Pitfalls of Conventional Stand-Up Comedy Writing