Your First 5 Minutes Of Stand-up Comedy Material

Your first 5 minutes of stand-up comedy material is the most important. It should be tight and generate maximum audience laughter. This article discusses what “tight” means and what you need to do to move forward quickly as a comedian when it comes to audience laughter. Continue reading Your First 5 Minutes Of Stand-up Comedy Material

What You Need To Know About Riffing

Riffing is the term used by comedians to describe spontaneous interactions with the audience. But riffing is not actually what it appears to be. This article identifies the adverse circumstances associated with trying to riff on stage as a comedian instead of delivering a well prepared stand-up routine. Continue reading What You Need To Know About Riffing

Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…


If you think stand-up comedy is highly competitive, don’t be misled. This article describes the reasons why stand-up comedy is not as competitive as it appears and why there are always great opportunities for new comedians who can actually get the big laughs when they hit the stage. Continue reading Is Stand-up Comedy Competitive? Read This Article Then Decide…