Am I Funny Enough For Stand-up Comedy Or Am I Just Wasting My Time?

Let me answer the question now – the chances are very good that you are more than funny enough to do well as a comedian. The better question you should be asking is whether or not you are actually going to use the comedy talent you have now on stage. Hint: Most don’t and fail. Continue reading Am I Funny Enough For Stand-up Comedy Or Am I Just Wasting My Time?

You Already Have MOST Of What You Need To Produce A Powerful Stand-up Comedy Act

Still trying to write the “funny” that will work on the stand-up comedy stage? How much “writing” did you do when you made others laugh when you were using your sense of humor off stage? You have already got what it takes to be a killer comedian. Use it! Continue reading You Already Have MOST Of What You Need To Produce A Powerful Stand-up Comedy Act

Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have


If you don’t have MAXIMUM confidence as a comedian, you simply will not get far in stand-up comedy. This article covers some of the major conditions that can erode a new comedian’s confidence and prevent them from getting the big laughs when they hit the stage. Continue reading Confidence: A Critical Attribute Every Comedian Must Have