Some Important Questions About Your Comedy Talent

What do you really know about your comedy talent? This article explores some of the truths you may not be aware of when it comes to the comedy talent you have right now and that you will want to use on the stand-up comedy stage. Continue reading Some Important Questions About Your Comedy Talent

Where Trying To “Write” Comedy Material Flops Yet Again

If most people who decide to make the leap into stand-up comedy have plenty of comedy talent, then why do most new comedians fail? The reality is that most people who consider becoming a comedian simply don’t have the right perspective or approach to tap into the “funny” they already have. Continue reading Where Trying To “Write” Comedy Material Flops Yet Again

The #1 Most IGNORED Factor Needed To Create Great Stand-up Comedy Material


Looking to create stand-up comedy material that actually gets the big laughs on stage? If you overlook this most important aspect like most new comedians do, you are destined to struggle just like most the rest. Find out what I am talking about in this article. Continue reading The #1 Most IGNORED Factor Needed To Create Great Stand-up Comedy Material