Are you curious about what other funny people like yourself are looking for when it comes to stand-up comedy tips to help them be more successful on stage? Well, then…
Below you will find the links to the Top 10 most popular articles right now that others have been reviewing on this blog over the past 24 hours (updated every hour) to find out what they need to know about becoming a comedian and developing a stand-up comedy routine that gets the big laughs
There is literally a mountain of valuable information available on this blog, beyond the Top 10 most popular articles listed below.
But If you’re truly serious about taking a shot at stand-up comedy and don’t want to suck on stage like most new comedians tends to do, you might want to take a close look at the special report and the free stand-up comedy course available right now for those who are truly determined (no sign-up required).
The Top 10 Most Popular Articles
- What You Need To Know About Riffing
Riffing is the term used by comedians to describe spontaneous interactions with the audience. But riffing is not actually what it appears to be. This article identifies the adverse circumstances associated with trying to riff on stage as a comedian instead of delivering a well prepared stand-up routine.
- 3 Signs You Should Be A Comedian
What are some signs that you should be a comedian? Do you have to be the "class clown"? Do you have to be an extrovert? You might be surprised to find that not only do those things NOT matter, but that there are some solid indicators revealed in this article that you should be a comedian.
- Getting Your First Paid Stand-up Comedy Gig
The minute you start getting paid to perform stand-up comedy, you move into the ranks of the professional entertainer. So, how do you get that first paid gig as a comedian? This article will give you a good idea about how that happens.
- Looking For Stand-up Comedy Material Examples?
I'm willing to bet that most people think that if only they had written examples of powerful and effective stand-up comedy routines, they would be able to uncover the real secrets they need to create a power stand-up routine. Find out why this logic is seriously flawed.
- How Many Jokes Are In A Minute Of Stand-up Comedy Material?
If you want to command the stand-up comedy stage, you MUST get frequent laughs when you deliver your stand-up comedy material. This article reveals the number of jokes and punchlines needed in a stand-up comedy act to generate headline level laughs.
- The Delivery Style Secret Every New Comedian Should Know
How does a new comedian go about finding the very best delivery style that will help them generate the biggest laughs with their stand-up comedy material? This article reveals the most important delivery style secret every new comedian should know.
- Your First 5 Minutes Of Stand-up Comedy Material
Your first 5 minutes of stand-up comedy material is the most important. It should be tight and generate maximum audience laughter. This article discusses what "tight" means and what you need to do to move forward quickly as a comedian when it comes to audience laughter.
- The Anatomy Of A Stand-up Comedy Joke
Simply knowing the parts of a joke is not much help when it comes to creating and delivering a stand-up comedy routine that generates big laughs. This article explains in detail why the "standard" information provided as actionable is really not actionable at all.
- The Truth About Set-up Lines And Punchlines
Most of the information that new comedians get anywhere about set-up lines and punchlines is largely WORTHLESS. Curious why I say that? This article reveals how to recognize information about set-up lines and punchlines that is merely descriptive and provides nothing else of value.
- Street Jokes: A Powerful Tool For Comedians
The term "street joke" (aka joke joke) is a term used by comedians for common jokes told on the street. This article discusses how street jokes can be valuable to a pro comedian depending upon the circumstances under which they can be used advantageously.